Injectable Proprietary Bone Void Fillers

Designed to be combined with bone marrow concentrate or other liquid biological agents at the discretion of the practioner.

Medical Services

Product Approach

Solum Flow and Solum IV are injectable proprietary bone void filler, composed of an equal ratio of porous hydroxyapatite (HA) granules and porcine gelatin, combined at a 1:1 volume ratio with a biological fluid chosen by the physician.

The HA granules/gelatin are hydrated with the chosen fluid, mixed and further molded to fit the bone void or surgically created osseous defect.

The viscosity of the Solum Flow and biological fluid allows for easy injection out of a needle.

Product system at a Glance:

Solum Flow is an injectable proprietary bone void filler, composed of an equal ratio of porous hydroxyapatite (HA) granules and porcine gelatin, combined at a 1:1 volume ratio with a biological fluid chosen by the physician. The HA granules/gelatin are hydrated with the chosen fluid, mixed and further molded to fit the bone void or surgically created osseous defect. The viscosity of the Solum Flow and biological fluid allows for easy injection out of a needle.

Solum Flow Features:

  • Sterilized by a validated process
  • Designed to be combined with bone marrow concentrate or other liquid biological agents at the discretion of the practitioner
  • Small white or off-white granules
  • The dose should be between 2-20 cc and appropriate dosage will be chosen at the discretion of the physician. When mixed with a liquid biological agent, it has a consistency which easily extrudes from a needle for injection
  • Osteoconductive
  • Handling capabilities associated with the gelatin component

Solum Flow Benefits:

  • Sterilized by a validated process
  • Handling capabilities associated with the gelatin component
  • Increased viscosity over time
  • Nanoparticle design increases both porosity and surface area for cellular migration and proliferation, respectively
  • Straightforward surgical technique, adequate shelf life for ease of use in the surgical suite or in a clinical setting

Product system at a Glance:

Solum IV

Solum IV is a synthetic extracellular matrix biomaterial with a well-organized architecture of interconnected pores designed to support cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. Utilizing a naturally-derived biopolymer, Solum IV, when combined with bone marrow aspirate, becomes a moldable, three-dimensional structure capable of conforming to the full geometry of the recipient site, creating an in vivo bioreactor for bone growth. The hydroxyapatite particles utilize their high porosity and interconnecting macro-structures to facilitate transportation of nutrients and fluids, leading to production of new tissue through cell-to-cell communication, as well as communication with the surrounding environment.

Solum IV Features:

  • Proprietary Processing
    • Unique pore size and structure
    • Versatility in design
  • Novel Structure
    • Biomimetic architecture
    • Large continuous surface area
    • Optimized to support neovascularization
  • Environmentally Intelligent
    • Moldable
    • Supports the natural healing process
    • Facilitates proliferation
  • Results-Driven
    • Enhanced cell attachment
    • Osteogenic gene expression activated in

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